Here you can find the required configuration for a MikroTik hEX S to replace an eir provided router. The details about what led to this decision can be found here.
The most important part is setting VLAN ID to 10. The DNS and DHCP configuration are my personal choices, also Port Forwarding and DynDNS might not be relevant to you.
Initial Screen
Quick Set
Internet Interface Configuration
Interfaces > VLAN > +
Internet Access Configuration
IP > Firewall > NAT > +
Remove the now obsolete NAT Rule #0.
DHCP Configuration
IP > DHCP Server
Edit the preconfigured DHCP Server details.
System > Scripts > +
############################################### :local NoIPUser "your username" :local NoIPPass "your password" :local NoIPDomain "your domain" :local WANInterface "vlan1" ############################################### # Get the Current IP on the Interface :local CurrentIP [/ip address get [find interface="$WANInterface" disabled=no] address] # Strip the Net Mask off the IP Address :for i from=( [:len $CurrentIP] - 1) to=0 do={ :if ( [:pick $CurrentIP $i] = "/") do={ :set CurrentIP [:pick $CurrentIP 0 $i] } } :if ([:resolve $NoIPDomain] != $CurrentIP) do={ /tool fetch mode=http user=$NoIPUser password=$NoIPPass url="\3Fhostname=$NoIPDomain&myip=$CurrentIP" keep-result=no :log info "No-IP: Update $NoIPDomain - $CurrentIP" } else={ :log info "No-IP: No update needed. $CurrentIP" }
System > Scheduler > +
Port Forwarding incl. Hairpin NAT
IP > Firewall > Address List > +
IP > Firewall > NAT > +
Make “Hairpin NAT” rule #0 by moving it to the top.
IP > Firewall > NAT > +